Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Horse's are beings too,,,, so we must learn that without pure comfort for them as well, or we cannot have a pure partnership.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Horses speak very clearly, once you've learned how to listen, and once you understand only then you can also start to speak to them.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

If you doubt you can do something, then you cant accomplish it. Have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wisdom calls aloud in the streets..... Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just like people, horses respond best to kindness. Horses, even though they are such big animals, are quite sensitive. They usually respond well to whispers and gentle  touches. When properly trained, horses will do many different tasks at the slightest touch.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled  souls --- they give us hope!